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Torrents Sc T For ANAK Video Full 1080

Ikak and his family live in a small fishing village. When Ikak is old enough, he will help his mother to fish. And he will also go to school, like his sister Rieka. Something unusual happens: Ikak starts dreaming about what life would be like if he were a girl - and always an older one! He dreams that one day, she will get married to Jonas, the son of the richest woman in the village - Auntie Liana.But Ikak's dreams are not just dreams anymore: they are messages from what is known as "The Other Side". And they can help Ikak to solve a problem. There is an ancient Javanese legend about Adipati Seker — the last king of Majapahit Empire — and his wife, Nityaning Sukarnoputri. According to this legend, King Seker and Queen Sukarnoputri had a famous daughter: Siti Bungsu, who became so famous that her story has been told over many generations. One day, the King received a letter from heaven telling him about his daughter's death. The King became very sad. "Hidupku telah hilang rasa, Sesalnya mati tak bisa diselamatkan." Translation: "My live no longer mean anything; my daughter cannot be saved."Ikak goes to the graveyard to talk with Siti Bungsu. The spirit of Siti Bungsu tells him that he must find the legendary Sukarnoputri's crown for her. Only then can she go to heaven. So Ikak sets off on an adventure with his friends, to look for the crown. What happens next? Can Ikak find the crown? And can he give it to his beloved Siti Bungsu?The film was directed by Sisworo Gautama Putra and produced by Yayasan Galuh Cendana. It has been released on VCD and DVD in Indonesia on August, 2010. It is the first movie ever made in East Java using digital visual effects and computer graphics. The film was well received by Indonesian film critics.1. 3D Graphic Design Team, "ANAK", http://3dgraphicdesigner.blogspot. com/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Award in the 2014 Indonesian Film Festival 2014 for Best Animation Film, "ANAK" in the category of Best Social Film, won by Sri Yampolsky Sihombing, "Karya Anak Untuk Siapa Cuma President" (Fictional film about a child who wants to be president for his father) directed by Sri Yampolsky Sihombing. cfa1e77820

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